Pre Natal Care
Phase Two:
As a mother your aim is to provide an optimum environment for the development of your child. During pregnancy Ayurveda encourages a lifestyle and nutrition that will nurture, nourish and promote peace and calmness. In addition to some general lifestyle and nutrition suggestions throughout the pregnancy, Ayurveda also understands the importance of introducing different foods and herbs at different stages of the development to nourish and help the development of your baby’s tissues and organs. You will receive:
• Holistic preparation and positive action during pregnancy for a healthy and positive baby,
• Prenatal trimester Ayurvedic suggestions and recommendations,
• Food and dietary guidelines during each month for nutrition of both mother and child,
• Ayurvedic spa services.

Pre Natal Massage
(Recommended from second Trimester)
Pre natal massage is a wonderful way of preparing a woman for childbirth helping her to feel comfortable with her changing body. It will not only combat tension and fatigue in pregnancy, but will also soothe and reassure a woman in labour. It releases stress on weight-bearing joints (ankles, neck, lower back and pelvis). Emotional support through nurturing touch to the expectant mother. Helps relaxation and soothes insomnia.
Pre Natal Yoga
Yoga and its emphasis on unity and balance, suggests harmony between body and mind and supports pregnant women in the physical and emotional adjustments that occur during pregnancy, childbirth and in their roles as young mothers. The prenatal yoga classes involve stretching, as well as emotional support and a community of future mothers. You will take care of yourself, enrich your experience of pregnancy and develop means of intimate communication with your baby.