Post Natal Care
Phase Three:
Post Partum Ayurvedic Services
Ayurveda recognizes that both you and your baby need some time out after the birth. It is essential for you to enable your body to recover from the physical and emotional effort of birth and to restore your strength so you can take care and provide for your newborn baby. According to the tradition in Ayurveda the first 40 days after birth is a time of nurturing and nourishment for both mother and child. It is obtained by nutrition and ayurvedic massages with the support of herbal oils, supplements and nutritive diet. You will learn:
• How to prepare healthy nourishing food,
• Cooking recommendations, methods and recipes,
• How to take care of Mom,
• Mother’s post partum spa package,
• Training for parents on infant massage,
• Lactation recipes and teas,
• Specialised yoga and meditation classes.
Post Natal Massage
New mothers tend to feel physically and mentally tired due to stress of delivery either through normal delivery or C-section. Massage eases stresses that come from a new mother’s rapid transition from a pregnant body to the body after birth. Most mothers would experience back ache and soreness.
It is also very important for the wind in the stomach to be removed using the correct massage technique. Not doing so could lead to the tummy looking permanently bloated. through post natal massage, the vital energy that is lost during labor is replenished. Improves circulation throughout the body. Proper stretching of tight, sore muscles, easing muscular tension. Reduce cellulite and help to tone up the body. Helps to avoid or reduce post natal depression.

Yoga Maman Baby (Yoga Post Natal)
Yoga for mom and baby is a special time in the first few months after birth. This class will help you reconnect with your body, rediscover your inner peace and create a strong bond with your baby.
For Mom: postures to get smoothly back into shape with focus on the perineum, abdominal muscles, back, as well as breathing exercises and relaxation … with baby!
For baby: yoga postures for baby, exercise and sensory motor development, massage and relaxation with Mom. Open to all as early as six weeks after delivery and until your baby is crawling.
Post Partum Ayurcare
”Birth is not delivering a baby, it is creating motherhood”
According to Ayurveda, the 42 days after giving birth is considered more important than pregnancy. The mother is psyco physiologically is as delicate as her newborn baby. The next 42 days will set a mother up for the next 42 years of her life. Ayurveda recognizes the importance of “mothering the mother” and it is bringing back some of the old traditions that are now disappearing. This program embraces a broader scope of practice using ancient knowledge and skills (and integrates from cultures that emphasis postpartum care) to rejuvenate mother and baby. Offers simple practices and tools for mother, baby, family, friends and her community. This will create longer lasting and more positive influences that everyone will take with them for the rest of their lives.
The objective of this program is to create deeper connection to oneself and baby. Less colic, less constipation, gas, and indigestion. Less blues and depression. Stronger milk supply. Faster rejuvenation from fatigue of pregnancy and delivery. Better immune system strength. Less weight and joint issues. Better overall reproductive system health and comfort.
Consultations/Orientation, Mother Rejuvenation Home Spa Care, Assesment and Counseling, Infant Massage, Herbal Formulas, Essential Oils, Baths, Cooking, Parent’s Cookbook and Parent’s Manual, Resources and Support.